

Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.
W. H. Auden
Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones, as the wind blows out candles and fans fire.
Duc de La Rochefoucauld, Reflexions ou Maximes Morales
Love alone dominates fear.
Zohar, Exodus
We are even more anxious to hide our love than our hatred.
Boern, Denkrede auf Jean Paul
Men do not sacrifice their lives for reasonable things. They move mountains only under the imperative of love.
Baron, In Quest of Integrity
Money can't buy love, but it improves your bargaining position.
Christopher Marlowe
The perfect love affair is one which is conducted entirely by post.
George Bernard Shaw